There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
Rognhøgdas Gaya
Full siblings:
Rognhøgdas Skaidi - A
Rognhøgdas Alva - A
Rognhøgdas Ari lll - C
Rognhøgdas Hera - A
Rognhøgdas Jäger - A
Rognhøgdas Skàrfa - A
Sjørslev´s Figo
Full siblings:
Sjørslev´s Figther
Sjørslev´s Faro
Sjørslev´s Findus
Sjørslev´s F Dagmar Anna
Sjørslev´s Frøken Smilla
Ben v. Kiekenbruch
Brun m. hvide aftegninger
Full siblings:
Birka v. Kiekenbruch - B
Brenda v. Kiekenbruch - A
Basko v. Kiekenbruch
Balda v. Kiekenbruch
Aaron v. Kiekenbruch - A
Aiko v. Kiekenbruch - A
Ayka v. Kiekenbruch - A
Westfalen's Cäsar
Brun m. hvide aftegninger
Full siblings:
Westfalen's Cuno - A
Westfalen's Chef - A
Westfalen's Cato - B
Westfalen's Clemens
Westfalen's Carla
Westfalen's Cita
Westfalen's Cora - A
Osca Aus Grupilinga
Full siblings:
Otis Aus Grupilinga - A
Ona Aus Grupilinga - A
Ondra Aus Grupilinga - A
Paula Aus Grupilinga - A
Pius Aus Grupilinga - A
Panja Aus Grupilinga
Peggy Aus Grupilinga - B
Perle Aus Grupilinga - A
Pia Aus Grupilinga - A
Pina Aus Grupilinga - A
Kira v. Tillplatz
Full siblings:
Keno v. Tillplatz
Kalle v. Tillplatz
Kathy v. Tillplatz
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the databaseThere is no connection to the database There is no connection to the database
There is no connection to the database