Amount: 6

Name Reg# Sex Sire Hips Color DOB
Dana to Kathen ZDL169/14 female Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Lysskimmel 2014-2-24
Dante to Kathen ZDL164/14 male Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Forelskimmel 2014-2-24
Dax to Kathen ZDL165/14 male Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Brun 2014-2-24
Don to Kathen ZDL166/14 male Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Lysskimmel 2014-2-24
Drako to Kathen ZDL167/14 male Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Brun 2014-2-24
Duck to Kathen ZDL168/14 male Asso v. Jeddeloher Esch Lysskimmel 2014-2-24