Database ID: 4331

    Smækbjerg Centa
    Sire: Riko v. Wasserplatz
    Dam: Tedtildas Zita
    Reg#: DK16134/2008
    Show Results: VG.BK - VG.BK Plac.3
    Sex: female
    Date of Birth: 11 JUL 2008
    Color: Lysskimmel
    Land of Birth: Denmark
    Land of Standing: Denmark

    Hips: A
    Locus E Test: E/E efter test af aner.

    APP: App.30 p.- Slæb&App 30 p.-
    MARK: ÅK 2. pr.- ÅK 1. pr.
    SCHWEISS: 400m/3t 400m/3t

    Last updated Wednesday 01 February 2023 22:13 CET

    I have 🍪s